Retiree Association

Retiree Association meeting.

Founded in 2005, the UT Dallas Retiree Faculty/Staff Association (UTD RA) is a grassroots organization dedicated to the wellbeing of the University, its retirees, and the community; it enjoys warm relations with the University. The UTD RA offers an opportunity for members to volunteer for many interesting opportunities on and off-campus, and in return the University offers special benefits to retirees. Although these benefits are available to all retirees (UTD RA members and non-members), we hope that new retirees will join the UTD RA in response to its efforts on their behalf.

The UTD RA is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt entity. It has modest annual dues ($10) to encourage membership. It holds annual meetings, hosts events, and is governed by a Board elected by its membership. It is governed by ByLaws (PDF). See also the Operating Guidelines.

Follow this link to the latest RA newsletter in Adobe Acrobat form (PDF). If your browser doesn’t yet know Acrobat, a free PDF reader download is available from Adobe.


The University of Texas at Dallas Retiree Association’s mission is to promote continued collegiality and communication among retired faculty and staff and provide a vehicle for them to remain in contact with each other and support the goals and endeavors of their university.

Governing Documents

Bylaws PDF opens in a new tab

Operating Guidelines PDF opens in a new tab